Combined PACs
Marvel Characters List
DC Characters List
INDY Characters List
WizKids have changed their FAQ layout, so the new FAQ fits on 2 pages. 5 pages. If you find something wrong, please let me know. (email here)

Get combined FAQ, valid November 1, 2003

Get combined FAQ, valid July 1, 2003

Get combined FAQ, valid June 1, 2003

Get combined FAQ, valid May 1, 2003

Figure Corrections

Rulebook Corrections

Powers & Abilities Card Corrections

Clarifications and Rulings

Figure Corrections

Pyro figure, Infinity Challenge #92:
  • He should be a member of the Brotherhood (not the Masters of Evil, as indicated.) This error has been corrected in production, and many of the figures are now labeled correctly.
Pyro figure,Infinity Challenge #93:
  • He should be a member of the Brotherhood (not the Masters of Evil, as indicated.) This error has been corrected in production, and many of the figures are now labeled correctly.
Rogue, Rookie, Infinity Challenge #121:
  • She does not fly. Ignore the flight base on this figure.
Invisible Woman, Rookie: Clobberin' Time #43:
  • She does not fly. Ignore the flight base on this figure.
Dr. Doom, Veteran, Marvel Clobberin' Time #075
  • He has 2 lightning bolts on his base, not 1.
Man-Bat, Rookie, DC : Hypertime #40
  • This figure does not fly; it has Leap/Climb. Ignore the flight base on this figure.
Riddler, DC : Hypertime #43, 44, and 45
  • This figure does not have the Shape Change Power; it has the Mastermind Power. Where Shape Change appears on this figure's dial, substitute Mastermind.
Dove, Rookie, DC : Hypertime #88
  • This figure does not fly; it has Leap/Climb (but not on the first click). Ignore the flight base on this figure.
Easy Medic #4 , Cosmic Justice
  • This character has Support on its first two clicks.

Rulebook Corrections

This was added to the "Build your Force" section:
  • A force can consist of two or more of the same character. The only exception to this is that only one Unique of any given character can be chosen for a force. A Unique figure may be teamed-up with non-Unique figures with the same name. Two players may have the same figures in their force, including Uniques. A Unique figure has a silver experience ring.
  • The image on p. 8 has Firelord listed in the example and photo; the image actually shows Pyro.
  • In the Archenemies section, the following section was added: Characters with the same name (two different Spider-Men, for example) can be on the same team. They are not archenemies.
  • On p. 15, we refer to the power Explosion. This power is actually called Energy Explosion.
The following rules have minor corrections:
  • Hindering Terrain (adds second line)--"A figure that enters Hindering Terrain from nonhindering terrain must stop moving. Any figure that begins a turn in Hindering Terrain reduces its Speed by half (round up). "
  • Telekinesis (adds line of fire information)--"A character that uses Telekinesis must have line of fire to the target figure or location."
  • Energy Explosion (should read as follows)--"The character's ranged combat attack can affect all figures in base contact with the target. (Optional) Give this character a ranged combat action and reduce his or her damage to 1. Make only one attack dice roll. Compare that result to the defense value of the target figure and every figure in base contact with the target figure. A successful ranged combat attack inflicts 1 click of damage on each figure hit."
  • For the Challenge of the Champions scenario, p. 24, the line, "Add up your victory points at the end of 5 turns." should read, " ... at the end of 5 rounds." One round has been completed when both players have taken a turn, as defined on p. 8.

Powers & Abilities Card Corrections

  • The name of the SAC is really the PAC (Powers and Abilities Card). (HC Corrections)
Battle Fury
  • Battle Fury prevents a figure from being given a ranged combat action. It does not prevent that figure from being the target of a ranged combat action.
  • Battle Fury does not prevent a figure from being captured.
  • A figure with Super Strength can pick up an object during its Charge, and use it during its attack.
  • A figure with the Charge power that begins its action in a square adjacent to an opposing figure must break away before using the power.
  • Fliers can carry friendly figures with them while performing a Charge. They must, however, drop off the friendly figure before attacking.
  • The "move portion" of a character's Charge action consists only of a "move up to half his speed value."
  • A Charge out of hindering terrain works at 1/4 the figure's initial speed. First, the figure's move is halved (providing it does not have any powers or abilities that allow it to ignore the effects of terrain on movement) because it begins its move in hindering terrain. Then the move is halved again if the figure chooses to use Charge.
  • A charging character with Super Strength cannot pick up an object as he/she comes into a square adjacent to an opposing character.
Close-Combat Expert
  • This character adds 2 to its damage for successful single-target close-combat attacks. (Optional) This Power does not work with other Powers (such as Super Strength or Enhancement), even if the other power's description suggests otherwise. To elaborate:
    • The attacking player's other characters can affect the defending/targeted character, but the attacking character can't be the one using the other Powers.
    • If a character has Close-Combat Expert and wants to use it to attack, it can't have its combat values altered from the printed values in any way by itself or a friendly figure (via Perplex or other power) in that turn. A friendly figure may use Support on the figure with Close-Combat Expert because the printed values are not being altered.
    • In addition this figure can't use Charge and Close-Combat Expert in the same turn.
    • Finally, this figure cannot use any attack Powers in the same turn as it uses Close-Combat Expert.
  • The transitive property of Defend illustrated:
    • ABC
    • A has Defend; his defense is 18.
    • B has Defend; his defense is 17.
    • C does not have Defend; his defense is 15.
    • A can share his defense with B, making B's defense 18. B can share his defense (now 18) with C, making C's defense 18 as well.
  • Perplex can be used effectively with the transitive property of Defend.
Energy Explosion
  • If you miss the primary target of an Energy Explosion attack, you also miss the adjacent figures. The "splash damage" effect is triggered by a successful attack on the declared target.
  • Energy Explosion works like this: You target an opposing figure A that is adjacent to figures B and C. A's defense is 17, B's is 16, and C's is 18.
    1. Your roll + your attack value equals 18--a successful ranged combat attack (as A's defense is lower than your 18). Compare this 18 to the defense values of B and C; because it is equal to or higher than both values, you have also hit them. Give 1 click of damage each to A, B, and C.
    2. Your roll + your attack value equals 17--a successful ranged combat attack (as A's defense is equal to my 17). Compare this 17 to the defense values of B and C; because it is higher than B's but lower than C's, you hit A and B, but not C, for 1 click of damage each.
    3. Your roll + your attack value equals 16--a failed ranged combat attack (as A's defense is higher than my 16). You miss A, B, and C.
  • Energy Explosion does not affect objects or terrain; it affects only characters. A character with the Energy Explosion power that wishes to destroy a square of terrain or an object must turn off Energy Explosion in order to affect it.
  • All figures that take damage from this attack will suffer knockback, if it occurs, except the character that deals the damage. They all must move away from the figure that attacked, starting with those furthest away from the attacker. A character cannot be knocked back by damage from its own Energy Explosion attack (though it will still take damage).
  • If a figure with this power can attack multiple targets, Energy Explosion can be used to target all of them. All the damage done by each "explosion" takes place at the same time, so Toughness and Invulnerability can stop only part of the total damage.
  • Energy Explosion with multiple attacks and using S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents--an example: Two opposing figures, A and B, are adjacent to each other. I have a character with two lightning bolts and the Energy Explosion power. I use Energy Explosion on both A and B, then my adjacent S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent enhances the damage. I roll high enough to hit both, so A gets hit for 2 (1 + 1 for the S.H.I.E.L.D. enhancement). B, adjacent, gets "splash damage" for 2 (1 + 1 for the S.H.I.E.L.D. enhancement). B gets hit for 2 (1 + 1 for the S.H.I.E.L.D. enhancement). A, adjacent, gets hit for 2 (1 + 1 for the S.H.I.E.L.D. enhancement). A and B each receive a total of 4 damage.
  • Enhancement does not add to damage being done to Objects, Blocking terrain, or friendly figures from a Ranged Combat attack. Enhancement's description states that it will only "inflict 1 extra click of damage to any opposing figure(s) successfully hit by the attack."
  • Using this power counts as only a single action for the figure. Each attack is separate, however, and must be resolved one at a time. This means the target may be KOd or knocked out of range after the first attack. The second attack can be used against a different target if the controlling player wishes.
  • If a character using Flurry gets a critical miss on the first attack, resolving the attack includes applying the critical-miss damage. If this damage causes the attacker to lose Flurry, then the second attack may not be made.
  • Walls are valid targets for Flurry attacks.
Force Blast
  • Using this power does not require a break away roll.
  • Treat a Force Blasted figure just as you would the target of a successful attack that generates knockback. The only damage that is assigned to this figure is the damage that occurs as a result of the knockback (i.e., hitting a wall or falling off a building).
  • Force Blast is not an attack.
  • Characters with the Charge Power are not immune to the knockback caused by Force Blast.
Hypersonic Speed
  • A close-combat Hypersonic Speed attack will cause 1 point of critical-hit damage if the player rolls a 12 for the successful attack.
  • If a close-combat Hypersonic Speed attack generates knockback, add up the total damage inflicted by the attack--this is the number of spaces that target figure is knocked back.
  • Since any roll of doubles generates knockback (DC rules, p. 14), any roll of doubles ends a Hypersonic Speed attack.
  • A Hypersonic Speed attack is one attack. All damage occurs simultaneously in total at the end of the attack. This is the exception to the rule that Toughness and Invulnerability "reset" with each roll of the dice.
  • Fliers cannot carry friendly figures with them if the Flyer chooses to use the Hypersonic Speed option to both move and attack in the same action.
  • Figures with Charge are not affected by knockback. A Hypersonic Speed attack that would result in a knockback against a target with Charge would not end the Hypersonic Speed attack.
  • Impervious has no effect on knockback damage generated by a Force Blast, splash damage generated by an Energy Explosion attack, or Poison damage. In none of these cases is the Impervious figure the target of an attack.
  • The dodging part of impervious will work against attacks that don't normally do damage, but otherwise affect the target (such as incapacitate).
  • When attacked by a character using psychic blast, a character with Impervious would not be able to use any of the benefits of impervious.
  • Incapacitate may be used on the same figure twice in a round. This will happen only if a character has both Incapacitate and Flurry, or if the same character is attacked twice in the same round by two different characters that both use Incapacitate on the same target.
  • A critical hit with Incapacitate will cause 1 click of damage to the target. Invulnerability Invulnerability stops 2 points of damage per attack, so any time a die roll is made to hit the invulnerable character, it "resets" and stops 2 more points of incoming damage.
  • Damage from different sources is applied individually unless otherwise specified. Multiple figures with Poison adjacent to a figure with Invulnerability would apply their damage individual, and Invulnerability would apply against each of them.
  • The first sentence now reads: "At the beginning of your turn, you may roll 1 six-sided die." You may not back up your turn later if you do not roll the die at the beginning of your turn.
  • Ground-based figures with Leap/Climb can attack figures on elevated terrain, but cannot attack soaring figures. Elevated figures with Leap/Climb can attack grounded figures.
  • Mastermind can deflect damage generated by a Psychic Blast. Mastermind does not reduce the damage, it just transfers it.
  • If knockback would occur, and the damage is Masterminded to another character, that character would take the both the damage and the knockback.
  • If Joker masterminds damage to Superman, Superman cannot use his impervious against the damage (or to dodge it either) since he isn't the target of the attack.
  • If a figure is KO'd by receiving damage through the Mastermind power, it is considered to have been KO'd by the character who made the damaging attack. Example: Thor attacks the Dr. Doom, who in turn Masterminds the damage onto the Enchantress. If the Enchantress is KO'ed, Thor would receive the Arch Enemy bonus.
Mind Control
  • If a Mind Controlled Figure KOs a figure, or is KOd itself, the mind- controlling player earns the points. If the KOd figure (either Mind Controlled itself or the defender of a Mind Controlled character's attack) is an Archenemy of the Mind Controller, the current player earns points as if he or she KOd his or her Archenemy.
  • A Mind Control attack will cause 1 point of critical-hit damage if the player rolls a 12 for the successful attack. If the successfully controlled figure is pushed, it also takes 1 click of damage for the push.
  • The damage from the critical hit and the knockback (if there is damage) is applied before the target of Mind Control is assigned an action.
  • If a figure with Mastermind is critically hit by a Mind Control attack, the owning player may use Mastermind to shift the damage to an adjacent friendly figure, before the Mind Controller assigns the figure its action.
  • Mind Control assigns an action to an opposing figure. Mind Control ends as soon as the action is completed.
  • Mind Control cannot be used against a "pushed" figure (a figure with two action tokens on it) .
  • The target figure is considered "friendly" to your team for all purposes during the assigned action, except that you still score points for it if it is eliminated.
  • Mind Control is a two-step process. First, use your figure with Mind Control to make a ranged- or close-combat attack against an opponent. If successful, you may give that figure an action, as though it were yours.
  • The damage is 1 click for each full 100 points. If the target is fewer than 100 points, or if the attack is unsuccessful, the Mind Controlling figure won't take any damage.
  • When a figure is Mind Controlled, all its powers and abilities are at the controller's disposal, even if the owning player had turned off optional ones before the Mind Control attack.
  • A critical hit while attempting to control an opposing character causes 1 click of damage for the critical and knockback, to be taken immediately, before the controlled character is assigned an action.
  • Example #1: Player 1 has Prof X; Player 2 has Spider-Man; neither has tokens or damage.
    1. Player 1 declares a Mind Control attack from Prof. X.
    2. Player 1 rolls a 9, making her attack total a 20, a successful attack.
    3. Player 1 decides to have Spider-Man run away using Leap/Climb. No break away is needed--Spider-Man is considered friendly to Prof. X at this point.
    4. Spider-Man reaches his 10 speed limit and stops.
    5. Player 1 puts an action tokens on Prof. X.
    6. Player 1 gives Prof. X 1 click of damage for each full 100 points of the character she controlled (in this case, 1 click).
    7. Player 2 puts one of his action tokens on Spider-Man. If Spider- Man had a previous token on him, after step 4, he would have taken 1 click of push damage and, after step 6, Spider-Man would have two tokens. Player 1 uses only one action to Mind Control Spider- Man; she does not use any of her actions to move (or attack) with Spider-Man. Player 2 uses none of his actions.
  • Example #2: Player 1 has a 200-point force. At the beginning of her turn, she assigns a Mind Control action to Puppet Master. Puppet Master is successful and can assign an action to Player 2's Hulk. Player 2's Hulk clocks Player 2's Bullseye upside the head with a dumpster. Action tokens are placed on Player 1's Puppet Master and Player 2's Hulk. Player 1 still has her second action and can assign it to her Wolverine, who KOs Player 2's Bullseye. Player 2 whimpers and crawls under the table.
  • The damage from using mind control on a character with a point cost of 100 or more cannot be prevented (even by super powers that normally prevent/reduce damage caused by super powers).
  • Mind control may be used on multiple targets if the character has multiple ranged attacks indicated on its base (by multiple lightning bolts next to its range value). This works as follows:
    1. Player 1 declares a Mind Control Attack using a unit that has 2 lightning bolts next to its range value, on two characters to which he has a clear line of fire.
    2. Player 1 rolls the dice once and compares the attack roll result to the defense value of each character targeted. A target with a low defense value may be affected, while others with higher defense values may not be.
    3. Once successful targets have been determined, Player 1 may assign an action to whichever figures he's mind-controlled in any order, but the first figure's action must be resolved before he may assign an action to the second, and so on.
    4. The mind-controlled figure is considered a friendly figure to Player 1's force during the assigned action. As soon the assigned action is finished the figure is no longer considered friendly to Player 1's force. Note: This allows the mind-controlled figures to attack each other during Player 1's action.
    5. Player 1 totals the number of points-worth of characters on which he's successfully used Mind Control during his action and gives his mind- controller 1 click of damage for each full 100 points of characters controlled (e.g. Player 1 mind controls R Thor and U Super Skrull. They total (109 + 127) 236 points, so Player 1's mind controller takes 2 clicks of damage.).
    6. All other Mind Control rules are as normal.
  • The second sentence of the Outwit power now reads "Once during your turn, this character may "turn off" a power on a target opposing character; treat the target as if it does not have the cancelled power."
  • If a figure loses or "turns off" Outwit for any reason, any power currently being "Outwitted" is immediately reactivated.
  • Outwit does not require an action. Outwit can be used if the figure has 0, 1, or 2 action tokens, and can be used even after the figure has been given an action for the turn.
  • Outwit requires a clear line of fire. It is not, however, a ranged attack action and therefore is not subject to restrictions specific to ranged attacks. Exception: When used against a soaring figure, Outwit is subject to the same half-range reduction as a ranged attack (see DC rules, p. 15).
  • A figure with Outwit cannot cancel any powers of a figure that is in hindering terrain and that has Stealth. Outwit requires a clear line of fire, and the Stealth power states that "any line of fire drawn to this character that crosses hindering terrain, including the square that this character occupies, is treated as though it crosses blocking terrain." Because a clear line of fire cannot be drawn to a Stealth figure that is in hindering terrain, that figure's Stealth cannot be Outwitted.
  • Outwit cannot be used in the middle of an action.
  • Outwit cannot turn off Team Abilities.
  • Barriers cannot be Outwitted, but the ability to make them can be.
  • Perplex does not require an action. Perplex can be used if the figure has 0, 1, or 2 action tokens, and can be used even after the figure has been given an action for the turn.
  • Perplex requires a clear line of fire. It is not, however, a ranged-attack action (or a close combat action!) and therefore is not subject to restrictions specific to ranged attacks. Exception: When used against a Soaring figure, Perplex is subject to the same half-range reduction as a ranged attack (see DC rules, p. 15).
  • A figure with Perplex may use that power on itself.
  • Perplex must be used either before or after another action. You cannot use Perplex in the middle of another action.
  • Perplex can be stacked.
  • Perplex can affect range, attack, defense, speed, and damage values. It cannot affect the number of lightning bolts a character has.
  • A flying character with Phasing can carry a friendly figure while phasing. For the purposes of this move, both figures are considered to be Phasing.
  • Phasing works only for the duration of a figure's move. The figure must be in a legal position at the end of the move.
  • Phasing characters may change elevation during their movements with no additional cost to movement.
  • A phasing character does not need to move his/her entire allotted movement.
  • A phasing character does not need to move his/her entire movement in a straight line.
  • If a figure with Plasticity is attempting to break away from another figure with Plasticity, treat it as a normal break away roll (fails on a 1, 2, or 3; succeeds on a 4, 5, or 6).
Psychic Blast
  • Psychic Blast attacks ignore the effects of Impervious.
Probability Control
  • Probability Control allows you to reroll (or force the reroll of) "a dice roll." "A dice roll" can consist of either one or two dice. You must reroll the entire roll--if you rolled two dice the first time, you must roll two the second time.
  • Probability Control requires a clear line of fire. It is not, however, a ranged attack action and therefore is not subject to restrictions specific to ranged attacks. Exception: When used against a soaring figure, Probability Control is subject to the same half-range reduction as a ranged attack (see Marvel rules, p. 15).
  • Probability Control does not require an action. Probability Control can be used if the figure has 0, 1, or 2 action tokens, and can be used even after the figure has been given an action for the turn.
  • A figure with Probability Control may use that power on itself. For example, Scarlet Witch misses an attack roll; she can use her own power to reroll, if she hasn't used it already this turn.
  • Probability Control can be used once on your turn and once on an opponent's turn. You can use Probability Control on an opponent's turn to reroll a dice roll that you made (i.e., Super Senses or the Skrull team ability.)
Pulse Wave
  • Pulse Wave does not target characters. The Skrull team ability does not work against Pulse Wave.
  • Impervious does not work against Pulse Wave.
  • When only a single figure is in range of a Pulse Wave, that figure is the target, and that target may use Impervious or Super Senses to dodge it/reduce the damage. The Skrull team ability still will not work, because Pulse Wave doesn't distinguish between friendly and opposing figures.
  • While Pulse Wave does not target figures, the line of fire may be affected by terrain. As a result, figures with the Stealth superpower may not be targeted if they are in hindering terrain, or if the line of fire drawn to them crosses hindering terrain.
  • Pulse wave is specifically noted as being usable against friendly figures, and may be used when there are only friendly figures within range.
Ranged Combat Expert
  • This character adds 2 to its damage for successful single-target ranged combat attacks. (Optional) This power does not work with other powers (such as Super Strength or Enhancement).
  • This power does not work with any other powers except Probability Control, even if the other power's description suggests otherwise. To elaborate:
    • The attacking player's other characters can affect the defending/targeted character, but the attacking character can't be the one using the other powers.
    • If a character has Ranged Combat Expert and wants to use it to attack, it can't have its combat values altered from the printed values in any way by itself or a friendly figure (for example, via Perplex, Enhancement, or another power). In that turn, a friendly figure may use Support on the figure with Ranged Combat Expert because the printed values are not being altered.
    • In addition, the character can't use Running Shot and Ranged Combat Expert in the same turn.
    • Finally, the character cannot use any attack powers in the same turn as it uses Ranged Combat Expert.
    • While Ranged Combat Expert cannot be used in connection with other powers, it can be used in connection with team abilities. Thus, while a Ranged Combat Expert attack cannot be the target of Enhancement, a S.H.I.E.L.D. figure could add 1 click of damage to that attack by using the S.H.I.E.L.D team ability.
Running Shot
  • A figure with the Running Shot power that begins its action in a square adjacent to an opposing figure must break away before using the power.
  • Fliers can carry friendly figures with them while performing a Running Shot. They must, however, drop off the friendly figure before attacking.
  • The "move portion" of a character's Running Shot action consists only of a "move up to half its speed value."
  • A Running Shot out of hindering terrain works at 1/4 the figure's initial speed. First, the figure's move is halved (providing it does not have any powers or abilities that allow it to ignore the effects of terrain on movement), because it begins its move in hindering terrain. Then the move is halved again if the figure chooses to use Running Shot.
Shape Change
  • If a figure with the Shape Change superpower rolls their "6" to avoid being the target of an attack, the figure may not make that attack and as per the PAC "must choose another target or take a different action with that Figure instead." This does not allow them to take back any portion of their action that they've already taken, such as the move portion of a Running shot, Charge, or Hypersonic attack.
Smoke Cloud
  • The 4 squares of hindering terrain can be placed "anywhere in the character's range," regardless of line of fire. You must place all 4 tokens.
  • A Soaring figure may use this power.
  • Characters are affected by Smoke Cloud markers per the normal rules for hindering terrain.
  • Characters with Smoke Cloud and a range of zero may place the smoke cloud only in squares adjacent to the character.
Steal Energy
  • If a figure with Steal Energy and Mind Control uses Mind Control in close combat and inflicts damage with it via a critical hit, it will receive a click of healing when the damage is applied.
  • If the Mind Control action causes the figure to push, you do not apply any clicks of healing to the figure with Steal Energy. Push damage is not considered to be part of the close combat attack.
  • An elevated figure can fire "over" hindering terrain, and thus can shoot a Stealth figure through intervening hindering terrain, except if the target Stealth figure is actually in a square containing hindering terrain.
  • A figure with the Outwit power cannot cancel any powers of a figure with stealth that is in hindering terrain. Outwit requires a clear line of fire, and the Stealth power states that "any line of fire drawn to this character that crosses hindering terrain, including the square that this character occupies, is treated as though it crosses blocking terrain." Because a clear line of fire cannot be drawn to a Stealth figure that is in hindering terrain, that figure cannot be Outwitted. The same rule applies to Probability Control.
  • A figure with Stealth that is in the same square as an object is considered to be in hindering terrain.
Super Senses
  • Roll for Super Senses before any damage rolls are made.
Super Strength
  • If figure with Super Strength is carrying an object, that figure's Super Strength power is not optional (it cannot voluntarily be "turned off", but it may still be outwitted).
  • A flying figure with Super Strength can carry an object and a character at the same time.
  • When attempting to use Support, compare the printed attack value of the Support figure and the printed defense value of the figure that you are attempting to Support. These values may not be changed or modified in any way.
  • Figures moved with Telekinesis do not suffer damage as a result of the square they are moved into. That is, Telekinesis cannot be used to slam a figure into a wall or knock them off a building.
  • You do have to make an attack roll when attempting to hit someone with a levitated object.
  • You must have a clear line of fire to the target of a Telekinesis attack or to the target square of a Telekinesis move.
  • Figures or objects that are at different elevation levels are not adjacent, so a figure on elevated terrain cannot levitate an object that is on the ground.
  • You can't use Telekinesis to levitate a Phasing figure through a wall for two reasons: 1) You need to give the Phasing figure a move action to use the Phasing power, which you can't do while activating the figure with Telekinesis; 2) You need to be able to see your target space with Telekinesis, and you can't see through walls.
  • A roll of doubles in a successful attack to move an opposing figure using Telekinesis does not generate knockback. A critical hit does (just as with Mind Control) inflict 1 click of damage.
  • A character with Telekinesis may use that power to move a figure that is holding an object.
  • A TK attack may only use one object, and may only target one figure.
  • When a figure uses Telekinesis to make an attack with an object or move an object or character, that object or character does not block the figure s line of fire. A figure may therefore use Telekinesis to attack a target figure with Stealth using the object that the target figure is using to activate that Stealth ability.
  • Toughness stops 1 point of damage per attack, so any time a dice roll is made to hit the character with Toughness, it "resets" and stops another 1 point of damage.
  • Damage from different sources is applied individually unless otherwise specified. Multiple figures with Poison adjacent to a figure with Toughness would apply their damage individual, and Toughness would apply against all of them.

Clarifications and Rulings

Actions, General
  • A move action, ranged-combat action, or a close-combat action man be used only to trigger one effect that requires its use.
  • Picking things up (figures, objects) does not require the figure to be given a move action, however. This takes place during a move action, so you can pick up someone and phase through a wall with him or her.
  • Squares on different elevations are not adjacent to each other.
  • Characters on different elevations are not adjacent to each other.
Adventure Kits
  • Adventure Kit objects are tournament legal, but may only be used if both players agree to their use.
Air Vents
  • Air vents are considered blocking terrain for knockback purposes; not elevated terrain.
Avengers/Brotherhood/Justice League Team Ability
  • If a figure uses the Avengers or the Brotherhood team ability, the figure may use any power it possesses to move, including flying. The figure can pick up objects or carry figures during this free move. The figure cannot make any attacks during this move, even if it has a power that would allow it. The figure cannot use powers that use a move action but do not physically move the figure (such a Barrier or Regeneration). If the figure makes an attack or uses a power that requires a move action but does not physically move the figure, the action must be taken from the player's total actions for that turn.
  • This ability can be used even if the figure fails a break away roll.
Barrier, General
  • A clear line of fire is not required to use this ability. At least one Barrier marker placed must be within this character's range.
  • A soaring figure may use this power. Soaring, hovering, and grounded characters are affected by Barrier markers per the rules for blocking terrain.
  • A character cannot move or fire through the diagonal corner where a Barrier marker and blocking terrain are touching.
  • A Barrier can be created anywhere within the figure's range, whether or not it can see the space.
  • A Barrier can be destroyed. Per the PAC description, "This barrier uses all the standard rules for blocking terrain."
  • While it does require a move action to create a barrier, the figure using it does not need to roll to break away.
  • A character using the Barrier power must create 4 squares of blocking terrain; the summary sentence on the PAC that says "up to 4 squares" is incorrect.
  • No attack--neither close nor ranged--can be made through a Barrier, and because both figures are on opposite sides of blocking terrain (i.e., the Barrier), no break away roll is needed.
  • Figures with the Leap/Climb Power cannot end their moves on top of a Barrier.
  • Characters with 0 range must create the barrier adjacent to themselves.
Batman Ally Team Ability
  • An elevated figure can fire "over" hindering terrain, and thus can shoot a Batman Ally through intervening hindering terrain, except if target Batman Ally figure is actually in a square containing hindering terrain.
  • A Batman Ally that is in the same square as an object is considered to be in hindering terrain.
Batman Enemy/Sinister Syndicate Team Ability
  • The transitive property of Batman Enemy attack values illustrated:
    • ABC (all are members of the Batman Enemy team)
    • A has an attack value of 10.
    • B has an attack value of 9.
    • C has an attack value of 7.
    • B can use A's attack value, making B's attack value 10. C can use B's attack value (now 10), also making C's attack value 10.
  • Perplex can be used effectively with the transitive property of Batman Enemy Team Ability.
Beginning of Turn Timing
  • The effects of powers and abilities take place at various times during the turn. Use the following order of steps for applying powers and abilities that take place at the beginning of a turn.
    1. Powers and abilities in effect that last "until the beginning of your turn" end. Powers and abilities that may be played "once during your turn" or "at the beginning of your turn" may not be used before abilities in effect "until the beginning of your turn" end.
    2. Powers and abilities that go into effect "at the beginning of your turn" are resolved in the order determined by the player whose turn it is. Powers and abilities that may be used "once during your turn" may be included in this step.
Blocking Terrain
  • The various air conditioners, vents, etc., are considered blocking terrain. These objects are defined as squares on rooftops surrounded by thick black lines.
  • Only flying characters and characters with the Leap/Climb Power can enter these spaces.
  • Blocking terrain can be destroyed. Each space requires a different attack, and one broken wall terrain marker is placed in each destroyed space.
  • All walls on the Indoor Map are considered indoor blocking terrain.
  • All walls are assumed to stop exactly at the edges of squares. So, even if it looks like a wall "sticks out" into a doorway, it isn't, and thus diagonal attacks can pass through without being blocked.
  • A Leap/Climb or hovering figure that ends its move on top of outdoor blocking terrain may attack another figure using a ranged combat attack as long as the only blocking terrain the line of fire crosses is part of the square the attacker occupies. A Leap/Climb or hovering figure that ends its move on top of outdoor blocking terrain can be attacked by another figure using a ranged combat attack as long as the only blocking terrain the line of fire crosses is part of the square the target occupies.
  • A Leap/Climb or hovering character that ends its move on top of outdoor blocking terrain is not considered to be adjacent to any other figure that is not also on top of outdoor blocking terrain.
Break Away
  • A break away roll is required only when physically moving a figure adjacent to an opposing figure into a different square. If a character is given a move action but does not actually move (to pick up an adjacent object, for example), a break away roll is not required.
  • Figures with Leap/Climb and Phasing do not have to roll for break away; they can always break away.
  • Failure to break away is considered a move action and ends that unit's action.
  • Hovering figures do need to break away; they interact with nonflying characters as if they were on the ground.
  • Do not roll for break away unless you are actually attempting to move a figure.
  • A character adjacent to an opposing character and changes its flight mode must make a break away roll.
Building Your Force
  • If two figures have the same name, they are not arch-enemies, even if they have arch-enemy bases.
  • The same figure can be on opposing teams, even if it is Unique. Such figures are not arch-enemies unless they have arch-enemy bases (an outer ring color other than black) and do not have the same name. Identically named figures can be on the same team, even if they have arch-enemy bases.
  • The following has been added to the "build your force" section of the rules: "A force can consist of two or more of the same character. The only exception is that only one Unique of any given character can be chosen for a force. A Unique figure can be teamed up with non-Unique figures with the same names. Two players may have the same figures in their forces, including Uniques. A Unique figure has a silver or gold experience ring." You may have a multiple unique characters on the same team as long as they don t have the same collector number. Example: you could play the Clobbering Time Unique Spider-Man and an eXplosion Unique Spider-Man on the same team. This overturns the previous ruling that Uniques were determined by name only.
Carrying Figures
  • (see Flight)
Choosing Sides
  • In a two-player game, players are required to choose opposite starting areas in which they will set up their characters. This updates the prior ruling that allowed you to choose a side adjacent to your opponent.
  • All HeroClix expansions are compatible with all other HeroClix expansions. HeroClix is a single game system with a single set of rules.
Critical Hits
  • Rolling a critical hit means that you hit regardless of what you needed to roll; it does not bypass powers like Super Senses and Impervious, nor does it ignore damage reduction/prevention super powers.
Damage Application
  • Damage from a single attack is dealt all at once, no matter how many targets are being hit, and no matter if "splash" damage is being carried back and forth between figures.
Defenders/Justice Society Team Ability
  • To use this ability, the characters must be adjacent.
  • Justice Society figures can use the highest defense value of any Justice Society team member in an adjacent square. A Justice Society team member can use its own defense power, but can never use the defense power of another Justice Society team member.
  • Example #1: Justice Society team member A (defense 18 with Energy Shield/Deflection) is adjacent to Justice Society team member B (defense 16, no defense power). Justice Society team member B could use A's printed defense value, 18, but cannot benefit from A's Energy Shield/Deflection power.
  • Example #2: Justice Society team member A (defense 18 with Energy Shield/Deflection) is adjacent to Justice Society team member B (Defense 16 with Toughness). Justice Society team member B can use Justice Society team member A's printed defense value, 18, cannot use Justice Society team member A's Energy Shield/Deflection power, but can still use its own Toughness power.
  • The transitive property of the Justice Society team ability illustrated:
    • ABC (all are Justice Society team members)
    • A's defense is 18.
    • B's defense is 17.
    • C's defense is 15.
    • A can share its defense with B, making B's defense 18. B can share its defense (now 18) with C, also making C's defense 18. The number value, unenhanced or aided by any power, is the only value shared among these figures.
  • Perplex can be used effectively with the transitive property of Justice Society Team Ability.
Elevated Terrain
  • Ground-to-rooftop combat is possible if the figure on the rooftop is at the edge of the building. Otherwise, the intervening squares will block line of fire.
  • "Line of fire from an elevated attacker is not blocked or hindered by other grounded figures or grounded hindering terrain, unless the terrain occupies the same square as the target" (19). This does not mean that line of fire from a grounded attacker is not blocked to an elevated target. The rules favor the elevated attacker.
  • If a character without Leap/Climb or Flight is on elevated terrain, they CANNOT jump off and take a click of damage. They are stuck (unless there is a ladder or stairs) until they are knocked off by knockback, carried off by a friendly flier, or Tked off.
Fantastic Four Team Ability
  • Characters with wildcard team abilities (i.e. Spider-Man and Minions of Doom) benefit normally from the FF team ability if the player declared the character(s) were FF members after the attack, but before the character takes clicks of damage from the attack.
  • If a flier is hovering adjacent to an opposing figure, they must successfully break away before they can pick up friendly figures or soar. Carried figures, however, do not need to break away because being carried does not require a move action.
  • A flying figure that is carrying a friendly figure must begin and end its move in hovering mode with the carried figure in an adjacent square. Figures at different terrain elevations are not adjacent. During this movement, the flier does not have to go to soaring mode.
  • A flier with the Phasing power can phase and carry a friendly figure at the same time.
  • Fliers can carry friendly figures with them while performing a Charge or a Running Shot. They must, however, drop off the friendly figure before attacking.
  • Carrying other figures (p. 12): "At the end of the move, the flying character must be in hover mode, and must place the carried character in an adjacent open square." An "open square" for this purpose is any unoccupied square that the carried character could legally occupy.
  • If a flying figure begins its turn adjacent to an opposing figure, it must break away before carrying a friendly figure.
Green Lantern Corps Team Ability
  • This power functions just like a normal carrying move (only with more potential passengers). The Green Lantern Corps team member must begin and end its move in hovering mode adjacent to the carried figures.
Hindering Terrain
  • A figure must end its move when it moves into hindering terrain from nonhindering terrain. Exceptions to this include Phasing, Leap/Climb, flying, and are noted with those powers and abilities.
  • A grounded figure that begins its move in a square containing hindering terrain can move only half its speed value (round up).
  • When a character moves through the corner between two diagonal squares of hindering terrain, its movement must end after moving through the corner. If this movement ends in clear terrain, the character may move normally the next turn.
  • The square you are in remains of the type when you moved into it; if it suddenly changes (such as becoming Hindering Terrain halfway through a Hypersonic action), it is still considered of the original type until you move out it or your action ends. Note: Sinestro/Sentinel can make multiple attack actions in the same turn, so if you destroy a wall in one action, it will be gone when you take the second attack action.
  • Hovering figures must roll to break away before they can move. Only while moving can a figure change from hovering to soaring, so if the break away roll fails, they cannot soar.
  • Even though "a hovering character may move through opposing characters," it is still "floating near the ground and interacts with nonflying characters as if it were on the ground." As such, a hovering character must (just like a grounded character) stop when it moves into a square adjacent to an opposing figure. If a hovering character begins its move adjacent to an opposing figure and makes a successful break away roll, it can move through that opposing character.
  • A hovering figure that is adjacent to an opposing figure may make a ranged combat attack, but only against the adjacent figure.
  • Hovering figures may always perform ranged-combat actions against adjacent figures. Grounded figures may perform ranged-combat actions against adjacent hovering figures, but only if they are not also adjacent to any opposing grounded figures.
  • The S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra and Police team abilities and the Enhancement power are included under the rule: "a hovering character is floating near the ground and interacts with nonflying characters as if he were on the ground" (11).
Hydra/Police Team Ability
  • The Hydra figure has to have a clear line of fire to the target, but the target does not need to be within the Hydra figure's range.
  • The Hydra team ability does not give the Hydra figure an action counter.
  • If the Hydra team member is adjacent to a figure that is making a multi-target ranged combat attack, only those figures to which the Hydra team figure has clear Line of Fire would be subject to the +1 attack value bonus.
  • Treat all map edges as indestructible walls. Figures that suffer knockback that would take them "off" the map instead hit this wall and suffer 1 click of damage. This damage can be applied only from an attack that causes Knockback damage and that pushes the affected figure into the map edge.
  • Any successful attack that rolls doubles will generate knockback. In the case of an attack that hits multiple targets, start the knockback effects with the figure furthest from the attacker (in the cases of Pulse Wave or Energy Explosion.)
  • If a ranged attack causes knockback along a line that is not straight vertical, horizontal, or diagonal (that is, the attacker didn't attack from a straight vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction), the attacker can choose which direction to knock back the target, so long as the line is basically straight.
  • Knockback is not optional.
  • When a figure is knocked back, it stops before it enters any square that has a wall or figure in it. If it stops before entering a square with a wall, it takes 1 click of damage. If it stops before entering a square with another figure, nothing happens. It does not, however, stop from entering hindering terrain.
  • If a figure is knocked off elevated terrain, it is placed in the first space outside the elevated terrain that its path reaches; taking 2 clicks of damage. Hovering or soaring characters take knockback damage only if their knockback paths intersect blocking terrain or the map edge.
  • If a figure is knocked back off elevated terrain, and there is a figure in the space it would land in, it does not leave the elevated terrain. Instead, it stops before entering the space with the figure and takes 1 click of damage, as though it hit a wall. Such a figure is understood to have seen the character below and clung madly to the edge to avoid falling on it.
  • If a figure holding an object loses Super Strength as a result of knockback damage, the object drops in the square the figure was in when it lost Super Strength.
  • Hovering characters that receive knockback enough that they leave the edge of the building remain hovering, but drop to ground level (no damage since they are flying) and as per standard rules, stop in the first square they "land" in. However, they do still take clinging damage when applicable.
Legion of Super Heroes Team Ability
  • Figures with the Legion of Super Heroes team ability count as members of any friendly figures team. So, if a Legion of Super Heroes figure is working with Batman Enemy figures, it can use the highest attack value of any adjacent Batman Enemy figure.
  • A "wildcard" figure can use only one team ability at a time.
  • Figures Limited Edition figures are Unique. You may have multiple unique characters on the same team as long as they don't have the same name. So, for example, you could play Spiderman and an L.E. Peter Parker on the same team.
Line of Fire
  • Except where otherwise specified in the printed rules (for example, Sentinels and the rules for elevated attackers on p. 19), a square that is occupied by a figure always blocks line of fire.
  • For the purposes of line of fire, hovering characters should be considered grounded. Hovering characters do not block line of fire from an elevated attacker.
  • A line of fire that passes through the exact diagonal between two squares occupied by figures is not considered blocked by those figures.
  • A line of fire that passes through the diagonal between two squares of hindering terrain is considered to be passing through hindering terrain.
  • A line of fire that passes through the diagonal between two squares of blocking terrain is considered blocked.
  • Line of fire is clear if it doesn't cross blocking terrain or a square that is occupied by a figure. This means that LOF is clear if it crosses hindering terrain.
  • LOF is not needed to perform a close combat action.
  • When drawing LOF, it is from the center of one square to the center of another.
  • These are for both LOS and movement.
    • Blocking/blocking: blocking
    • Blocking/anything else: clear
    • Hindering/hindering: hindering
    • Hindering/anything else: clear
  • A line of fire through the edge of elevated terrain and into hindering terrain considers both terrain types. In this case, a target character with Stealth cannot be targeted because it is in hindering terrain.
Masters of Evil/Injustice League Team Ability
  • When two or more members of the Masters of Evil are adjacent to the same opposing figure, they can all attack that opposing figure using only one of your actions. Mark any character that attacks this way with an action token. All other rules governing attack actions apply as normal. The MoE members must be adjacent to the opposing figure at the beginning of the action, and all attacks must be resolved before moving on to the next action.
Multiple Ranged Combat Targets
  • The number of lightning bolt symbols indicates the maximum number of targets your character may attack with a single ranged-combat action. Your figure is not making multiple attacks, but is making a single attack against multiple targets.
  • If a character can fire on multiple targets and has a 0 damage value, treat his/her damage as if it were 1 for shooting multiple ranged targets.
Mystics Team Ability
  • The Mystics team ability is not an attack, and therefore will not trigger if the Mystics team ability is used on another Mystics team member.
  • Each player must place three object tokens on the map during set-up.
  • An opposing figure is standing in a square "on top of" an object token (not carrying the token.) Can a figure with Super Strength or Telekinesis pick up or move the object out from under the opposing character? Yes, you can Telekinesis the object away or pick it up with Super Strength. Nothing happens to the figure that was standing "in" the object.
  • If a character is in the same space as an object that is destroyed, it does not suffer any damage from the attack.
  • If an object is destroyed, replace it with a single "Broken Wall Terrain" piece where it was. This is considered a "hindering terrain feature."
  • "An object being held [or used in an attack] is not considered terrain" (p. 20) and thus is not subject to rules governing the destruction of terrain.
  • If you are holding an object and wish to make a close combat attack, you must use the object (this is not true for ranged combat attacks).
  • If a character that is holding an object is captured (by a big figure, for example), the object is dropped in the square the captured figure was standing in.
  • It is possible for objects to be dropped on top of other objects. The objects remain separate objects.
  • If a character carrying an object is knocked back, and loses Super Strength as a result of the attack, the object is dropped in the square occupied by the character the moment the knockback occurred.
Object Figures (Adventure Kit)
  • The special rules for object figures apply to their use in both Telekinesis and Super Strength attacks.
  • Office Desk: You need to be holding the desk to use it. So the defense bonus applies only to a character with Super Strength who is holding the desk. You must declare that you are using the desk for this purpose before the dice are rolled.
  • Dumpster: This object is not destroyed when used, but can be destroyed by other means (for example, per the rules for destroying blocking terrain and the Sentinel rules).
  • Lamppost: The lamppost is Heavy Object, and inflicts 2 additional clicks of damage in a close combat attack and 3 clicks of damage in a ranged combat attack. In addition, the Lamppost will add an action token to the target figure as per the Incapacitate superpower. Use of this object with not reduce the attacker s damage to 0.
Optional Powers
  • If a power is described as "optional," the controlling player can cancel the power at any time.
Pass Action
  • A pass action does not assign a token and does not count toward the total number of actions allotted for your turn.
Placing Object Tokens
  • Put all the tokens (three per player) face down in a pool and mix them up. Starting with the first player, each player takes a token from the pool and places it on the map. Repeat this process until all the objects have been placed.
Promotional Figures
  • Figures with "Promotional" on their base are not permitted in sanctioned play.
Proxy figures
  • Use of proxy figures is not permitted in sanctioned play.
Ranged Combat
  • Grounded figures can perform ranged-combat actions against adjacent hovering figures, but only if they are not adjacent to any opposing grounded figures.
Rounding Numbers
  • Whenever anything causes you to round a number in HeroClix, round up.
"The Scientist" Scenario
  • The character holding the scientist cannot attack, and therefore cannot use Charge or Running Shot.
  • If a Sentinel holding a captured figure is eliminated, treat the captive as if it had been rescued, and place it in a square that would have been adjacent to the sentinel and giving it an action token.
  • Sentinels can be used on indoor maps. While a Sentinel "ignores terrain modifiers for movement, as if soaring," it is not considered to be soaring for other purposes.
  • A Sentinel cannot move through a doorway that is only one square wide. A sentinel's base is 2 x 2 and does not change size during movement. In order to make such a move, the Sentinel would first have to "widen" the doorway by destroying the blocking terrain on either side of the door.
  • A Sentinel may use the multi-attack option to target blocking terrain, targeting either two different squares of blocking terrain or one figure and one square of blocking terrain (or, of course, two figures, but then it's not targeting blocking terrain at all).
  • Unless specified otherwise, all terrain rules for determining line of fire to and from a figure apply to Sentinels as normal.
  • Sentinels are not affected by knockback, so a Hypersonic Speed attack that would result in knockback against a Sentinel does not end the Hypersonic Speed attack.
  • A captured figure is not considered to be KOd (do not assign the captured figure's point value to the player controlling the Sentinel) until released in the Sentinel's starting area. Once released, the captured figure is then considered effectively KOd, and the Sentinel's player receives double its point value (or triple if the captured figure is an arch-enemy). Because a captured figure is "no longer considered to be on the map and is out of the game unless rescued by a teammate," the owning player does not receive victory points for figures that remain captured at the end of the game.
  • A Sentinel may not use Running Shot in conjunction with its special multi- attack. Running Shot requires a move action. Multi-attack allows the Sentinel to make two attack actions.
  • A Sentinel's multi-attack reduces its damage by 1 click even if it is using its Energy Explosion power. The reduction, however, is applied as follows: The Sentinel declares a multi-attack. The Sentinel's damage is reduced by 1, then Energy Explosion kicks in (if it's being used) and reduces the damage to 1 click.
  • While the game can end in the middle of a player's turn, it cannot end in the middle of an action. If your Sentinel is on its last click and you push to capture your opponent's last figure, you still take 1 click of push damage (a mandatory part of taking the capture action), which KOs your Sentinel and releases the captive.
  • A Sentinel's ability to capture is not a power, and thus cannot be turned off by Outwit.
  • If you have a clear line of fire to any one of the four squares a Sentinel occupies (measured from the center of the square), then you have a clear line of fire to the Sentinel. The reverse also applies--if you have a clear line of fire from any of the four squares the Sentinel occupies (measured from the center of the square), then you have a clear line of fire from the Sentinel.
  • Objects destroyed by a Sentinel's movement leave broken wall terrain markers.
  • Sentinels cannot be captured.
  • Sinestro figures cannot be captured.
  • RCE can be used with his special multi-attack.
  • When using his multi-attack and telekinesis, the normal damage reduction for the multi-attack does not apply to the objects' damage.
  • If a Sinestro holding a captured figure is eliminated, treat the captive as if it had been rescued, and place it in a square that would have been adjacent to the Sinestro and giving it an action token.
  • Sinestros can be used on indoor maps. While a Sinestro "ignores terrain modifiers for movement, as if soaring," it is not considered to be soaring for other purposes.
  • A Sinestro cannot move through a doorway that is only one square wide. A Sinestro's base is 2 x 2 and does not change size during movement. In order to make such a move, the Sinestro would first have to "widen" the doorway by destroying the blocking terrain on either side of the door.
  • A Sinestro may use the multi-attack option to target blocking terrain, targeting either two different squares of blocking terrain or one figure and one square of blocking terrain (or, of course, two figures, but then it's not targeting blocking terrain at all).
  • Unless specified otherwise, all terrain rules for determining line of fire to and from a figure apply to Sinestro as normal.
  • Sinestro is not affected by knockback, so a Hypersonic Speed attack that would result in knockback against Sinestro does not end the Hypersonic Speed attack.
  • A captured figure is not considered to be KOd (do not assign the captured figure's point value to the player controlling the Sinestro) until released in the Sinestro's starting area. Once released, the captured figure is then considered effectively KOd, and the Sinestro's player receives double its point value (or triple if the captured figure is an arch-enemy). Because a captured figure is "no longer considered to be on the map and is out of the game unless rescued by a teammate," the owning player does not receive victory points for figures that remain captured at the end of the game.
  • While the game can end in the middle of a player's turn, it cannot end in the middle of an action. If your Sinestro is on its last click and you push to capture your opponent's last figure, you still take 1 click of push damage (a mandatory part of taking the capture action), which KOs your Sinestro and releases the captive.
  • A Sinestro's ability to capture is not a power, and thus cannot be turned off by Outwit.
  • If you have a clear line of fire to any one of the four squares a Sinestro occupies (measured from the center of the square), then you have a clear line of fire to the Sinestro construct. The reverse also applies--if you have a clear line of fire from any of the four squares the Sinestro construct occupies (measured from the center of the square), then you have a clear line of fire from Sinestro.
  • Objects destroyed by a Sinestro construct's movement leave broken wall terrain markers.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Team Ability
  • Multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents can be used to provide multiple bonuses to a single friendly figure.
  • This ability activates at the same time as the ranged-combat action of the adjacent friendly figure. Using this ability is declared before the dice are rolled. The S.H.I.E.L.D. figures being used are assigned actions and tokens whether or not the attack succeeds.
  • The S.H.I.E.L.D. figure does not have to be able to see the target that the friendly figure is shooting at, nor do does the target have to be within the S.H.I.E.L.D. figure's range.
  • The S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent must be given one of your actions, and does get an action token.
Skrull Team Ability
  • If a character is prevented from attacking a Skrull figure because of a successful use of the Skrull team ability, that character may be assigned a pass action (do not place a token or count this action toward the number of actions allotted for your turn).
  • If an Energy Explosion attack succeeds on the primary target, a Skrull cannot avoid "splash" damage using its team ability because it is not the target of the attack. For the same reason, the Skrull team ability cannot be used to avoid a Pulse Wave attack.
  • See point 1 under Shape Change
  • Ground-based and hovering characters can shoot up at a soaring figure, but not vice versa.
  • Soaring figures can attack only other soaring figures.
  • Ranged attacks between two soaring characters are not affected by grounded terrain.
  • Soaring characters can be adjacent only to other soaring characters. This means that a soaring character cannot pick up an object or character and can only use Telekinesis on another soaring character.
  • All of an "indoor" map is considered to be indoors. Because you cannot soar indoors, you cannot soar anywhere on an indoor map.
  • A soaring character can make a ranged combat attack against an adjacent soaring character.
  • The 1/2 range restriction on hovering or ground-based ranged attackers targeting soaring characters does not universally apply to all range issues involving soaring figures.
Spider-Man/Minions of Doom/Legion of Super Heroes Team Ability
  • Figures with the Spider-Man, Minions of Doom team and Legion of Super Heroes abilities count as members of any friendly figures team. So, if Spider-Man is working with Defender figures, he can use one of their defense values if adjacent to them, or vice-versa.
  • A "wildcard" figure can use only one team ability per action.
Superman Enemy Team Ability
  • This team ability is in effect whenever the conditions are met (that is, whenever two Superman Enemies are adjacent).
  • This ability grants the Outwit power, so if the above conditions are met, it would be possible for an opposing character to Outwit this newly granted Outwit power.
  • If both adjacent Superman Enemies have the same point values, the controlling player chooses which one of them is granted the Outwit power.
  • The Outwit power is granted only while the conditions of the team ability are met. If the two Superman Enemies are no longer adjacent, the ability no longer functions, the granted Outwit power goes away, and the power turned off by the now-lost Outwit power is immediately restored.
  • This team ability does not change during an action, but only at the beginning/end of an action. For example, two Superman Enemies of equal point value are adjacent. One of them moves 3 squares away, and then back as one move. The figure that had gained Outwit does not lose it, and they do not constitute a new pair, since they were not adjacent only for the duration of the move (at the beginning and end of the action, they were adjacent).
  • This power works for each different pair of adjacent Superman Enemies. For example, if you have three Superman Enemies all adjacent to one another with point values 75, 60, and 44, there are three potential pairs: 1) 75-60, 2) 75-44, and 3) 60-44.
    • 75 is higher than 60, so 75 gets Outwit.
    • 75 is higher than 44, but 75 already has Outwit--it cannot get it again.
    • 60 is higher than 44. so 60 gets Outwit.
Super Powers
  • To use a superpower, your character must have that superpower when the action is declared, and still have it when the action resolves (before damage from pushing/crit. Miss is done). Ex.-- Rookie Batman's willpower was outwitted by a rookie Catwoman. Batman pushes to hit Catwoman for 3 clicks of damage, getting rid of her outwit. With her outwit gone, Batman regains his willpower. Since he didn't have it at the beginning of his attack, he still takes a click of damage from pushing.
  • Super powers cannot be used mid-action. (You can't use outwit in the middle of a charge.)
Team Abilities
  • All team abilities are optional.
  • Different team abilities work differently. The X-Men team ability, for example, requires two X-Men team members to work. The Avengers team ability, however, is available to any Avengers team member. There is no underlying rule that requires more than one member of a given team for team abilities to function.
Stairs Terrain
  • You must move through each space of the stairs while walking from the ground to the rooftop, or vice-versa.
  • Stairs are considered neither blocking nor hindering terrain.
  • Only the top space of stairs (the one with the thick black line along its edge) is considered elevated.
  • Characters with Blades/Claws/Fangs may destroy a wall section if the damage rolled is 3 or more.
Water Terrain
  • Water terrain functions as hindering terrain for movement, but as clear terrain for other purposes.
Wild Card Team Ability
  • When using another team's ability, you are only considered part of that team for team ability purposes; for anything else, you are a member of the team printed on your base.
"Winner Takes All!" Scenario
  • The artifact is considered an object, except that the Super Strength power is not required to pick it up, it cannot be destroyed, and it is dropped if the character holding the object takes damage from an attack.
X-Men/Titans Team Ability
  • In order to use the X-Men team ability, a click must be exchanged from one X-Man to another; you cannot simply apply 1 click of damage to one of them.
  • This ability may be used once per turn per pair of X-Men figures.

This is not the official Heroclix FAQ. Effective July 1, 2003
$Revision: 1.7 $
$Date: 2003/10/26 15:41:47 $

© 2003 sachau.net::Michael Sachau